@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+title: Oh My 2014
+layout: post
+permalink: /html/oh-my-2014.html
+lang: en
+* ##class{timeline}
+* #class{year} January
+* #class{event} Translated Minecraft-related news actively in [Minecraft Chinese Forum][mcbbs].
+* #class{event featured} Finished my first term in Jiangsu University.
+* #class{event} End of my first followed season of Japanese animes.
+* #class{event} Started contributions to the Alfred-inspired Windows application, [Wox][wox], built with C# and WPF.
+* #class{year} February
+* #class{event featured} Spent days and nights on [Project MuduHS 2014][muduhs], the video cheering for students of my high school whilst this is my first time to play with [Adobe After Effects][ae], [Adobe Premiere Pro][pr], [FL Studio][fl], [Melodyne][melodyne], [Minecraft][mc], [CINEMA 4D][c4d] and [Mineways][mineways].
+* #class{event} Discovered [a logical bug][wooyun] on [RenderBus][renderbus], a cloud render farm for C4D, and registered a Wooyun account.
+* #class{event featured right} Brought my old Dell Inspiron 1420 to school with RAM upgraded to 3 GiB later.
+* #class{event right} Started to learn Node.js from the scaffold of [Drywall][drywall].
+* #class{year} March
+* #class{event featured} Installed OpenWrt on Buffalo WZR-HP-G450H and configured [automagically firewall bypassing][fwbypass].
+* #class{event featured} Stayed in hospital for a week. During this time I contributed to [Wox][wox] frequently.
+* #class{year} April
+* #class{event} Built the robust backend of Sanddudu's project [NextDay-Desktop][nextday]
+* #class{event} Played with [Xposed Framework][xposed] on Android and wrote a Xposed module named FakeMyDevice (never published).
+* #class{event featured} Started working on bounties featured by Ripple Labs. Introduced by [Soniji][soniji].
+* #class{year} May
+* #class{event featured} Bought MacBook Air (13-inch/Mid 2013/i5 1.4GHz/8GiB/128GB) which was my first Apple hardware. I was deeply impressed by the design and OS X Mavericks.
+* #class{event} Received the first ticket of TOS violation from Linode due to insecure firewall configuration.
+* #class{event right} Became a reseller of ResellerClub.
+* #class{event right} Wrote [Pingful][pingful](with [Server][pingful-server] and [Web][pingful-web]), a simple app utilising Gulp and Socket.io. Also redesigned the [parking page][parking].
+* #class{year} June
+* #class{event featured} Bought a modded Mercury MW151RM with OpenWrt installed to repeat the Wi-Fi hotspot provided by CMCC durning night hours in dormitories.
+* #class{event} Wrote my first cross-platform native program as school homework, [minipos][minipos].
+* #class{event} Started working on the internal fork of [Atom-Shell][atomshell] used by [Pomotodo for Windows Desktop][pmtdwin].
+* #class{year} July
+* #class{event featured} Started working on bounties on Bountysource.
+* #class{event} Built the [PrimCraft Wiki][primwiki] based on MediaWiki.
+* #class{event} Leart to use [n2n][n2n] to create a virtual network between VPSs.
+* #class{year} August
+* #class{event featured} Bought Crucial M500 480GB SSD for my portable workstation.
+* #class{event featured} Started running a webpage spider using [pyspider][pyspider].
+* #class{event featured} Rented a dedicated server in Canada and started running my own [Jenkins][jenkins].
+* #class{event} Played the gal game <i>School Days</i> with CrossOver on OS X.
+* #class{event} Applied for a passport.
+* #class{event featured} Migrated my blog from WordPress to Ghost whilst I stayed in a McDonalds's all night long with *Linghein*.
+* #class{event featured} Met with Pomotodo team members in Nanjing.
+* #class{event featured} Had a “meaningless” meeting with *IamI*, forgetting giving a bear hug.
+* #class{year} September
+* #class{event} Signed my first NDA and W-8BEN form.
+* #class{event featured} Passed StartSSL Class 2 Verification.
+* #class{event featured} Released [Pomotodo for Windows Desktop][pmtdwin].
+* #class{event featured} Compiled Chromium for the first time.
+* #class{year} October
+* #class{event featured} Rode from Zhenjiang to Shanghai on the G312 highway.
+* #class{event featured} Visited Shanghai Postal Museum and had a cup of coffee in Starbucks with *Polaris Mi*, *Chi Rui*, *Jiang Ximeng*.
+* #class{event} Tasted the best minced pork congee with preserved eggs in Shanghai.
+* #class{event left} Met the worst "donburi congee" in my life.
+* #class{event} University started to cut down the Wi-Fi hotspot provided by CMCC durning the night hours.
+* #class{event featured right} Set foot on USA soil (embassy) and be refused getting USA visa under INA 214(b).
+* #class{event} Impressed by the Time Machine but completely depressed by OS X Yosemite.
+* #class{event} Replaced Samsung I9082 with Redmi 1S.
+* #class{event} Wrote [a network monitor][osd] running on the Loongson laptop.
+* #class{event} Started to move Linux CI workers in OpenVZ containers on DigitalOcean.
+* #class{year} November
+* #class{event featured} Got my first VISA card (althrough it's a supplementary card).
+* #class{event featured} Won the 1111 prize from HackPlan.
+* #class{event featured} Attended China's largest & first college hackathon, [HackShanghai 2014][hacksh], at NYU Shanghai with *Chino Chang*, *Cx Wang*. Designed [Hangry][hangry] to help people order their take-outs in no time.
+* #class{event} Failed to apply for the USA visa again.
+* #class{event featured right} Designed a stamp with my avatar.
+* #class{event} Learned to use GnuPG with *Angurise*.
+* #class{year} December
+* #class{event} My first time using [Windows To Go][wtg]. Bought [Sandboxie][sandboxie] with friends. Wrote [QQCamera][qqcamera] to use the world-famous screenshotting function in QQ.
+* #class{event} Rebuilt my blog with Jekyll.
+* #class{event featured right}
+ Started using the new avatar designed by [Lynn°][lynn] with my favorite T-shirt from GitCafe.
+* #class{event} Started [Project Ainou][ainou] with [oott123][oott123].
+ [drywall]: https://github.com/jedireza/drywall
+ [mcbbs]: http://www.mcbbs.net/
+ [muduhs]: /html/muduhs-2014-the-video.html
+ [ae]: http://www.adobe.com/products/aftereffects.html
+ [pr]: http://www.adobe.com/products/premiere.html
+ [fl]: http://www.image-line.com/flstudio/
+ [mc]: http://minecraft.net
+ [c4d]: http://www.maxon.net/products/cinema-4d-studio/who-should-use-it.html
+ [melodyne]: http://www.celemony.com/en/melodyne/what-is-melodyne
+ [mineways]: http://www.realtimerendering.com/erich/minecraft/public/mineways/
+ [wooyun]: http://www.wooyun.org/bugs/wooyun-2014-051449
+ [renderbus]: http://www.renderbus.com/
+ [wox]: https://github.com/qianlifeng/wox/commits?author=orzfly
+ [minipos]: https://git.miv.im/orzfly/minipos
+ [hacksh]: http://hackshanghai.com
+ [hangry]: https://gitcafe.com/orzfly/hangry
+ [osd]: https://github.com/orzfly/osd
+ [jenkins]: http://jenkins-ci.org/
+ [pmtdwin]: https://pomotodo.com/apps
+ [lynn]: http://lynn.mist.so/
+ [primwiki]: http://wiki.primcraft.com
+ [atomshell]: https://github.com/atom/atom-shell
+ [fwbypass]: https://autovpn-for-openwrt.googlecode.com
+ [soniji]: http://sonic1997.urpgs.com
+ [qqcamera]: https://github.com/orzFly/QQCamera
+ [wtg]: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/enterprise/products-and-technologies/devices/windowstogo.aspx
+ [sandboxie]: http://sandboxie.com
+ [pingful]: https://git.miv.im/orzfly/pingful
+ [pingful-server]: https://git.miv.im/orzfly/pingful-server
+ [pingful-web]: https://git.miv.im/orzfly/pingful-web
+ [parking]: http://park.orzfly.com/
+ [oott123]: http://oott123.com/
+ [ainou]: http://ainou.org/
+ [nextday]: https://github.com/sanddudu/nextday-desktop
+ [xposed]: http://repo.xposed.info/module/de.robv.android.xposed.installer
+ [n2n]: http://www.ntop.org/products/n2n/
+ [pyspider]: https://github.com/binux/pyspider