
非常非常的好~无意中在 Epile 看到了,于是我就被点名了……很有趣,就接受了。(我不看废话!我要直接看我有没有被点名了!)


  1. Put Your iTunes on Shuffle.

  2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.

  3. You must write down the name of the song no matter how silly it sounds!

  4. Put any comments in brackets after the song name.

  5. Tag 12 friends.

  6. ShuffleAnyone tagged has to the same, because fun pointlessness spreads like a virus.

  1. If someone says, “Is this okay?” You say: (如果有人说,“这样行吗?”你说:)
    Same Old Brand New You – A1(一样的牌子崭新的你……似乎很不贴切呃。)

  2. How would you describe yourself?(你怎样描述自己?)
    暖暖我的手 – 小虎队(喂喂,播放器,你跑题了!)

  3. What do you like in a guy/girl?(你喜欢一个男孩/女孩什么?)
    珍惜 – 小虎队(珍惜吧,珍惜吧,不懂得珍惜的是傻瓜……- -)

  4. How do you feel today? (你今天感觉怎么样?)
    爱我就跟我走 – 小虎队(这个,算感觉么……我承认我这里小虎队的歌很多)

  5. What is your life’s purpose? (你生命的目的是什么?)
    醉赤壁 – 林俊杰(我从来不喝酒,也很少会陶醉。)

  6. What is your motto? (你的座右铭?)
    君に赠る歌 - 小池彻平(歌词看不懂,更听不懂的一首歌。)

  7. What do your friends think of you? (你的朋友怎么看你?)
    Unbreakable – Firelight(差不多吧。Unbreakable~)

  8. What do you think of your parents? (你怎么看你的父母?)
    庸人自扰 – 小虎队(我真的不是故意的,这个应当怪 Windows Media Player~)

  9. What do you think about very often? (你经常考虑的事情是什么?)
    We Belong Together – Mariah Carey(好吧,Windows Media Player 你告诉我,We 指谁~)

  10. What do you think of your best friend?(你怎么看你最好的朋友?)
    Nasty Boys – Janet Jackson(Windows Media Player 你可以去死了!)

  11. What do you think of the person you like? (你怎么看你喜欢的人?)
    白い雪 – 仓木麻衣(很美的一首歌,这是说我喜欢的人会很漂亮么?)

  12. What is your Life Story?(你生命的故事是什么?)
    All I See – Kylie Minogue feat. Mims(我都看见了,你也看见了吧?)

  13. What do you want to be when you grow up? (你长大后想成为什么? )
    Crazy for you – 小虎队(差不多吧,不清楚……)

  14. What is your hobby/interest? (你的爱好兴趣是?)
    Beat It – Michael Jackson(讨厌的东西都去见鬼吧。不过,MJ 走了,仅此怀恋而已。)

  15. What is your biggest fear? (你最害怕的是?)
    Waterfalls – TLC【我从来不害怕瀑布(不过似乎我从未看过大型瀑布)】

  16. What is your biggest secret? (你最大的秘密是?)
    快乐的感觉永远一样 – 小虎队(这个算秘密么)

  17. What do you think of when you see the person you like? (当你看到喜欢的人你会想到什么?)
    我知道你爱我 – JS(Windows Media Player 终于给了我一个贴切的答案。)

  18. What will you dance to at your wedding? (你婚礼的时候会挑哪首歌?)
    always – 仓木麻衣(看不懂也听不懂。但是 Google 了一下,跟‘名探侦コナン’有关)

  19. What will they play at your funeral? (他们在你葬礼的时候会放什么音乐?)
    With Or Without You – U2(很好,认为我不在他们就无法生活了。)

  20. What do you think of your friends? (你怎么看你的朋友?)
    All The Small Things – Blink 182(Windows Media Player 你再一次给我去死!!!)


哈,我来点名了:东哥信东哥,送主机,主机挂了原地满状态复活。)、Zed Lau默默Phy大哈SmileSO……


第一句废话:终于发现 WP 的草稿功能非常有用了。我居然会脑子发热把浏览器关掉了。幸亏 WP 有草稿功能,保存了。

第二句废话:文中所有歌名,我基本上都给了链接,用了 TinySong 的服务,可惜中文歌曲一首的找不到,Google 的服务也不靠谱,我又不想给百度流量……所以,没标的歌自己去找吧。(有首歌似乎百度也找不到滴~)


Version History版本历史

  • 0143959 I18N changes: Add language field to posts
  • a0c097c Fix some formatting & broken links; remove yourls_shorturl, categories and tags
  • 5b93ba5 Remove author & delete some broken posts
  • 1ee024d Import posts from my WordPress blog